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Tag: Nato (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

Ukraine to be told it is too corrupt to join Nato

Ukraine to be told it is too corrupt to join Nato

Joe Biden raised “significant corruption” in an interview with Time magazine this year, during which he ruled out supporting the “Nato-isation of Ukraine”. Nato diplomats and officials have given Ukraine a list of reforms it will be expected to carry out before its membership ambitions can be realised, a US defence official said. “That’s something...

Rutte to become head of Nato after lone rival drops out

Rutte to become head of Nato after lone rival drops out

Mark Rutte, the outgoing Dutch prime minister, has clinched the race to become the next head of Nato at a pivotal time for the alliance, after his sole challenger Klaus Iohannis, the Romanian president, pulled out. The veteran politician, 57, is expected to be formally appointed by Nato’s 32 nations in the coming days and...

Exclusive: Nato in talks to deploy more nuclear weapons

Exclusive: Nato in talks to deploy more nuclear weapons

He then came out in support of Kyiv over its request to use Western weapons on targets inside Russia. And now ahead of the next Nato summit, he has tabled proposals for the alliance to play a greater role in the West’s support for Ukraine. About 99 per cent of the weapons deliveries to Kyiv...

Kosovo PM: Britain should send more troops to protect us from Serbian invasion

Kosovo PM: Britain should send more troops to protect us from Serbian invasion

Today, 45 British troops are involved in the 4,443-strong Nato contingent in Kosovo. In comparison, Hungary has provided 365 troops, America 572 and Italy 1,322. Mr Kurti conceded that while the presence of troops was “substantial” in the ethnic-Serbian majority north, overall it had not been increased “by much” and was “generally symbolic”. Mr Kurti...

German leaks putting British troops at risk are ‘tip of the iceberg’

German leaks putting British troops at risk are ‘tip of the iceberg’

EU sources said the bloc’s intelligence practices were under constant review because of the threat of Russian attacks. A Nato official said: “We don’t comment on intelligence matters.” Warnings were also issued on Monday night that the NHS must prepare for a “high-casualty scenario” in case war breaks out in Europe. Colonel Si Horne, who...