Home » Aquarius Monthly Horoscope

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope


Cozy up, Aquarius. You’re on an extended hibernation schedule until May 20 while the Sun pays its annual visit to Taurus and your domestic fourth house. Bask in some relaxing spring vibes by nesting and resting, booking ample quality time at Chateau Aquarius. With el Sol moving through the base of your chart, you’ve got planetary permission to tend to home, family and personal matters—all the stuff that makes you feel anchored.

Load up on self-care while you can because on May 25, expansive Jupiter, which has been in Taurus and this domestic zone of your chart since May 16, 2023, will end its yearlong visit and move into Gemini, heating up your passionate and playful fifth house. After 12 months of flying a bit under the radar, a year of parties, creative projects and fun awaits. You may not spend very much time at home at all (nor will you want to), so enjoy this delicious chillout time while you can.

On May 7, the annual Taurus new moon brings fresh-start energy to your emotional fourth house. This heart-opening day could help you articulate feelings you’ve been keeping inside. You might also be called to support a loved one who needs an empathic ear and an objective person to “hold space” for them. (Who better for that job than you, Aquarius?)

This new moon could spark a change in your living situation. Maybe you get inspired to redecorate, start paging through listings or put your home on the market. Your inner HGTV design star could be elbow-deep in planting a veggie garden (or a windowsill herb box) and switching to seasonally appropriate linens. Whatever your concept of “home sweet home” looks like, don’t rush to pull up roots or turn a flurry of paint and fabric swatches into an overnight masterpiece. This new moon will unfold over six months’ time, culminating at the November 15 Taurus full moon. Map a plan for how you’d like your personal life to look and feel before the holidays, then work backward from there.

Identity crisis—or personal brand makeover? The way you present yourself could undergo a transformation from May 2 to October 11 as shape-shifter Pluto turns retrograde (backward) in YOUR sign, which it’s been dipping in and out since March 2023. Pluto will split its retrograde between Aquarius (until September 1) and Capricorn, which it will take a final plunge back into for ten weeks. Then, on November 19, Pluto will settle into Aquarius for 20 years, leading you on a journey to a brand-new sense of self. 

Because Pluto is such a slow-moving celestial body, not all zodiac signs will experience a visit from the icy dwarf planet during their lifetime. You’re both lucky AND in the cosmic hot seat, chosen for an intense mission of sorts. Figuring out what that mission actually IS could take some time, but you’ve got until 2044. Trust that a slow yet profound metamorphosis is underway.

Hosting the planet of deep, inside-out transformation in your sign hasn’t been the easiest process. With Pluto retrograde in your first house of identity, you might actually welcome the retrograde slowdown, which will give you the chance to integrate the shifts that have been occurring within and around you. Use this period to examine who you are in relation to other people. Do you enjoy the role you play? Do you feel fulfilled by the interactions? Could you be more assertive or perhaps more vocal about your talents, beliefs and opinions? By the same token, look to where you may be wasting your energy trying to convince people to see or do things your way when they are simply not aligned with your energetic vibration. 

Midmonth, your home is highlighted yet again. On May 13, the Sun makes its annual conjunction (meetup) with your ruling planet, disruptor Uranus. There could be a sudden change of residents under your roof, an unexpected urge to move or a need to pull up the stakes and relocate. You might decide to renovate, redecorate or make some other radical shift to your lifestyle. 

Even if you feel flush with inspiration, take note: This IS a one-day transit, and the dust will settle not long after. So unless you absolutely must make a swift change, you might be better off capturing your ideas on a Pinterest board instead of impulsively painting a wall or ordering new furniture. 

The Sun-Uranus conjunction in this family zone could also bring a tense moment with a relative. The fourth house is linked to mothers and women whereas the Sun is one of the astrological symbols for a father figure. Parent issues alert! Unresolved emotions might erupt out of the blue, or you might need to deal with a change related to your family of origin.

And on May 18, the Sun and abundant Jupiter will make their once-a-year meetup, a golden moment to fortify your foundation. From your living situation to your nest egg to your emotional resilience, this annual Sun-Jupiter conjunction brings a megadose of magic to your personal life. A woman (or group of women) could be particularly instrumental in your success. 

Nicknamed the Day of Miracles, the Sun-Jupiter conjunction is believed by some astrologers to be one of the most fortunate dates of the year. 

Here’s the trick though, Aquarius: You won’t manifest those by going into warp speed overdrive. Believe it or not, what will draw opportunity your way is getting yourself into a relaxed, nurturing and receptive state. That may go against your usual can-do nature, but trust that the universe is handling the details and watch what flows. Declutter and beautify your home and workspace. A comfortable, beautiful space is an energy field for you, one that will attract the high-vibe bounty you crave.

Then…get out and paint the town! Starting May 20, the Sun takes a monthlong spin through Gemini and your fifth house of love, self-expression and creativity. In addition to inspiring some fun-filled and decadent dates, the muse’s visit can spark some next-level artistic notions. Let yourself play—and if you’ve got a performing streak, take to the stage or studio during this richly expressive time. 

But first: A team celebration is in order! The May 23 Sagittarius full moon spotlights your collaborative eleventh house, bringing a group project to a turning point or triumph. Margaritas and tapas on you, Aquarius! 

If your crew’s cohesion has been shaky, start getting everyone on track today. The first step may be just to express yourself more vocally in a group. Since full moons can also mark endings, you may decide to part ways with a group you’ve outgrown. Make space for people who are more on your wavelength now, Aquarius. 

Have you been spending a little too much time at home or hanging out with the same small group? If that old chestnut “familiarity breeds contempt” is hitting a little too close to home for you, mix it up! This full moon could make you woefully aware that you need to get out more and roam beyond your social comfort zone. 

Technology falls under the eleventh house domain. If you’re launching an online venture, this digitally dialed-in full moon could be the perfect day to press “post” or “publish.” Pay attention to your overall online presence. Does it represent “old you” or the person you’ve become? If the former, it’s time for a refresh!

Another watershed moment arrives May 25, when Jupiter ends a year-long stint in Taurus, your cozy and domestic fourth house, where it’s been hunkered down since May 16, 2023. Time to kiss that super-emotional phase goodbye. For the past 12 months, you’ve been feeling it ALL—and not without some cathartic ugly cries and overly sensitive periods. Jupiter’s tenure taught you the value of getting in touch with your most genuine feelings and allowing a softer side to emerge. 

You might have bonded with relatives in new ways, expanded your own family, moved or infused your lifestyle with more “yin” activities (e.g., restorative yoga, meditation practice, home-cooked meals). You needed this time to get in touch with yourself at the most foundational level. Your relationship with your mother, a child or an important female figure may have evolved significantly. But enough with the touchy-feely Kleenex moments already. Jupiter is moving on, not to return to this zone for another 12 years. The next chapter is all about (drumroll): love! 

From May 25, 2024, until June 9, 2025, expansive Jupiter will visit Gemini and your fifth house of romance, glamour, self-expression and play. Trade in the faded yoga pants and sneakers and for a pair of sparkly wedges and a sleek dress with cutouts. Whatever your flavor, it’s time to pursue the glimmering spotlight and have some well-deserved fun! After an internal and reflective year, the time has come to find your groove. 

Page back in your calendar to June 11, 2012, to June 25, 2013, the last time that fortuitous Jupiter was in this lusty, live-out-loud chart sector. From now until next June, you’re ready to kick up your heels and paint the town—or towns around the world since Jupiter is the jet-setting planet and loves to travel. International romance? Yes, please! 

Since the fifth house rules fertility, some Aquarians could get pregnant or get serious about starting a family. Or, if “parent” is not a role you foresee, you might give metaphorical birth to a creative project or a new incarnation of yourself. With horizon-broadening Jupiter working on your behalf, the possibilities (especially the sultry ones) are endless. 

Witty banter is your most effective aphrodisiac this month as lusty Mars blazes through Aries and your mental, expressive third house until June 9. Lucky for you, clever and stimulating conversation is where many Aquarians shine! And if you don’t have a whole lot to say? Well, you’re also great at asking genuinely interested questions. (As you may have heard, people’s favorite topic is themselves.) Your natural curiosity could have the effect of drawing people to you like moths to a tiki flame, provided you’re willing to share a few honest or vulnerable things about yourself too. If you’re looking for romance—or just some fun, flirty times—this is one exciting transit!

Single? You might be attracted to a brainy geek or wordsmith. “Boring” is not going to cut it for you now. With aggro Mars heating up your communication corner, watch for a tendency to be argumentative or sarcastic. If you’re in a relationship, don’t take your beloved for granted or make the rookie error of dumping your stuff on them. It will NOT be appreciated!

Before things get overly friend-zoned, help arrives from the other love planet, Venus. Until May 23, this romance goddess is in sensual Taurus, activating one of the most emotional parts of your chart. This will offset any overly cool or intellectual energy from Mars since Venus pulls you out of your head and connects you to your heart. Under the May 23 Sagittarius full moon, Venus unites with lucky Jupiter during its final hours in Taurus.

Then, on May 23, cosmic coquette Venus shimmies into free-flying Gemini and your flirty fifth house until June 17. Friends could quickly turn into lovers, and casual hangouts could produce major chemistry (giving new meaning to the idea of “game night”). It’ll be hard to avoid long seductive nights and passionate romance, and you won’t bother trying! 

If you’re in a relationship, amp up the fun and playfulness and skip the “where is this going” talks, which rarely produce more than fear and frustration. Single? Beautifying and charismatic Venus in this glamorous house is ready to shine the spotlight on you. Pull yourself together, slip into something colorful and walk tall. It won’t be long before you’re exuding that trademark magnetism again.

Information-overload alert: Speedy Mars is blazing through Aries all month (until June 9), heating up your third house of communication. Messages and media are coming at you fast and furious, and your own ideas are popping out at warp speed. It’s an exciting time, but you could be busy multitasking your way through May as a result. Your social life is abuzz, so book coffee meetings and RSVP “yes” to rooftop cocktail parties where you can mingle with movers and shakers.

Don’t forget to book some downtime too. While the Sun is in Taurus and your domestic fourth house through May 20, prioritize self-care and tune in to your emotions. We get so caught up in the “doing” that we forget to just let ourselves be, connect and savor the present. 

Thinking of moving or buying property? The May 7 Taurus new moon, and the May 18 meetup of the Sun and lucky Jupiter, could bring a real estate opportunity or the urge to renovate and redecorate.

 Is it time for a brand or image refresh? Your creativity could attract fame this month when lucky Jupiter soars into Gemini and your attention-grabbing fifth house. This is the start of a yearlong cycle that will last from May 25, 2024, until June 9, 2025. Your gifts, talents and comedic chops could get major mileage (and moolah!). With the Sun also in Gemini for a month starting May 20, you’ve got permission to mix work and play—or maybe even to consider them one and the same!

Love Days: 9, 14

Money Days: 21, 30

Luck Days: 19, 28

Off Days: 11, 15, 26

See All Signs